Friday, April 5, 2013

English I (Pre-AP): Fahrenheit 451 Opening

If you missed class on Thursday, please print out and complete the following assignment.
The first line of the novel is: It was a pleasure to burn. In the opening passage, draw an oval around each word/phrase that deals with pleasure, joy, sensuality, etc. (eg., the word pleasure in the first sentence and the phrase special pleasure in the second). Mark each word/phrase that deals with burning, fire, destruction, etc., with an “explosive balloon”(eg., the word burn in the first sentence and blackened in the second; some, like eaten in the second sentence will have both). When you are done, complete the answer at the bottom of the page.
If you would like to annotate your copy of the novel, you may do that instead of marking up the worksheet, but you should still complete the short-answer question at the bottom.

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