Monday, June 3, 2013

Pre-AP English II: Lord of the Flies 3-Way Venn Diagram

In class we began identifying information to complete a 3-way Venn Diagram comparing and contrasting Ralph, Piggy, and Jack. (If you lost your handout, click and print the image to the left of this text.) To complete the assignment, follow the four steps, below.
  1. Label each circle: one for Ralph, one for Piggy, one for Jack, and none for Gretchen Weiners.
  2. In the “half circle” for each of the individual characters, list traits that only apply to that character.
  3. In the three in-between “triangles,” list characteristics that apply to only those two characters.
  4. In the central “triangle,” list characteristics that apply to all three characters.
Due: June 5, 2013

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